
Coronavirus Case Tracker

I wasn't seeing the data I wanted to see on any of the local news sites, so I made my own dashboard. Select your county and see whether or not it's safe to go to the grocery store (it's not).

Data Visualization Workflows

This is a repository containing slides and example code for a talk I gave at Gem City JS in January of 2019 on common Data Visualization workflows for the web. I gave examples using React, Angular, and Vue, along with other common Data Visualization tools such as Tableau and Adobe Illustrator / Affinity Designer. It may be confusing if you didn't see the talk, but basically, it consisted of me going through the slides for each of the sections and then showing the running demo and walking through the code.

Dayton Data Visualization

I founded and led the Dayton Data Visualization meetup from 2014 until 2018. Running a meetup was a great experience where I learned a ton about Data Visualization and made lots of new friends. Also, it was a lot of setting up chairs, coordinating food deliveries, and finding people to volunteer their free time to come and speak at my event. It was fun, but is currently on hiatus.


Americons is like FontAwesome for US state boundaries. You can use it just like an icon font, or you can download the SVGs and make your own spritesheet. I used the Ohio shape from this project on the home page of this site!